Student Usage by Program

The Student Usage by Program report provides the school, class, and student content usage totals by program for the selected school and date filters. Each class associated with the program and created during the filtered school year(s) is included in the report, even if the class hasn't used the program during the selected date range. Usage is characterized by the number of active days, the number of content items opened in the program, the number of content items completed in the program, and the average score on completed items.

Run Your Report

  1. Select the Reports tab, and then choose the Student Usage by Program report.
  2. Do one of the following:

  3. Click Run to generate the report. Click Stop to cancel your request.
  4. In the report results, double-click or use the caret to open a Program row and view the schools using the program.
  5. Continue to drill down to view additional usage data subtotals by school, class, and student.
  6. Optionally, to save new filter selections for future use:

    1. Click the (Filter) icon, and select Save Filter.

    2. Type a unique Filter Name, click Save, and then click Close.

      Filter names are case-sensitive.

See Also